Thursday, October 1, 2009

Critical Mass

The way a nuclear bomb works is, in theory, horrifyingly simple. Essentially atoms of Uranium are suspended within the device. When the bomb is dropped an atom splits and sends three electrons flying off in different directions. These electrons then smack into other atoms of Uranium and split them. Each of these shattered atoms sends its own three electrons off to split more atoms. The result is a chain reaction during which everything in the bombs vicinity is anniheliated. Scientists call the moment when the reaction becomes impossible to control critical mass. 

Recently Queen Noor, the third and final wife of the late King Hussein of Jordan did an interview with Al Jazeera on international efforts on nuclear disarmament. In her opinion, and mine, we are living inside a political nuclear bomb. As more and more governments come closer and closer to nuclear capability we come closer and closer to the point where the possibility of a nuclear accident or terrorist attack becomes an inevitability. We are nearing our own critical mass, the point where the situation cannot be controlled. The queen, who is American, and Noor is not her real name, has some really valuable insights, I recommend reading the interview. Link is posted below. Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. I agree. I think it's totally crazy that we ever invented nuclear bombs in the first place. If you want to see the damage it would cause, here's a link to a nuclear simulator:

    You can pick a city, pick the size of nuclear bomb, and see what the fallout would be. I think if everybody looked at how a nuclear bomb could damage his or her own city, nobody would approve of nuclear weapons anymore.
